Wednesday, November 07, 2007
So. I. Suck.
I haven't posted much lately. Nay, anything lately. I have been working on some things, but one of them can't be discussed because I want it to be a surprise, and the other can't be discussed because it's a test pattern. Add to that all the stuff going on health-wise, well, it's just been a bit of a rough run. I had to go off my anti-inflammatory for nearly two weeks, and my hands are swollen, so I can't crochet much at a time. But I have all next week to rest and relax while my dear MIL takes care of the rest of my family. Yay scan week?
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I have to go charge the batteries to my camera so that I can take and post some pictures. I just received my order from Elann (well, I got it Saturday, but it's been a busy week!!), and the Peruvian Baby Cashmere and Super Kydd are just delicious! Much better than I could have hoped for! I must admit that, even after petting Tracie's Elann yarns, I was nervous about buying something I had never seen in person before (she had gotten cotton blends). However, they not only met, but greatly exceeded my expectations! I have a project in mind for the Super Kydd, and have swatched it. I'm just hoping that it works out as I expect!
Okay, batteries are now charging, so in about an hour, I should be able to take some pics. I also have an update pic on the round ripple, which I haven't worked on in a couple of weeks because I've been trying to brainstorm, and a lace project that I have been working on.
In other news, it's time to figure out Christmas gifts. I've got a couple in mind right now, and thanks to Ravelry, I've been pattern searching for ideas, and queuing the patterns that I think may work for different people. I need to sit down and write out my list, though. That'll be a list, maybe for while I'm at Aliceon's open house tonight. Did I mention that I'm now a Girl Scout leader? Yeah. I have a Brownie troop, so tonight I need to sit at a table at the open house for the school. No worries, though - it's a chance to work on my projects!! I can yarn and answer questions easy peasy!
Okay, so I'm going to go clean the kitchen while I wait for the batteries to finish charging. Adios!
Okay, batteries are now charging, so in about an hour, I should be able to take some pics. I also have an update pic on the round ripple, which I haven't worked on in a couple of weeks because I've been trying to brainstorm, and a lace project that I have been working on.
In other news, it's time to figure out Christmas gifts. I've got a couple in mind right now, and thanks to Ravelry, I've been pattern searching for ideas, and queuing the patterns that I think may work for different people. I need to sit down and write out my list, though. That'll be a list, maybe for while I'm at Aliceon's open house tonight. Did I mention that I'm now a Girl Scout leader? Yeah. I have a Brownie troop, so tonight I need to sit at a table at the open house for the school. No worries, though - it's a chance to work on my projects!! I can yarn and answer questions easy peasy!
Okay, so I'm going to go clean the kitchen while I wait for the batteries to finish charging. Adios!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I've Been Tagged
So my good friend, Tracie, has tagged me with an interesting meme. I don't do them often, but this one could be kinda cool :D
The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
7 Random Facts
1 - I'm very shy. I know many people would disagree, but you put me in a situation where I don't know anyone, and I will sit in a corner, not speaking or hide behind Hans until someone speaks to me. If I'm not thrown into social situations when we move, I will hide in my house, not meeting anyone until we move again.
2 - I hate jello. It's a texture thing. Same thing with oysters and undercooked eggs.
3 - I had 4 weimeraners as a kid, three of them at one time. Their names were Matilda (Tilly), Burgemeister (Burg), Hoss and Hazel. They were my loves.
4 - I just became a Girl Scout leader. Again.
5 - I love to bake and would bake every day if money and weight allowed!
6 - I am more than a bit obsessed with this whole crocheting thing, yet I really don't think I'm very good at it.
7 - I've been married 7 years as of this past Sunday.
Let's see - who to tag?
Marikay, whom I haven't talked to in a while and miss!!
Tina, who has become a dear friend over the last year.
Rebel, whom I've known for a few years now, and who is always good at adminishing me for not taking of myself!
Paula, my cooking guru friend from my mommy board of a few years.
Brandee, who, in conjunction with Tracie, taught me to crochet a year ago.
Rachel, a hook liberator on Rav whom I have come to have a great respect for.
And last, but not least, Claudia, my scarf exchange buddy in Germany!
The rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
7 Random Facts
1 - I'm very shy. I know many people would disagree, but you put me in a situation where I don't know anyone, and I will sit in a corner, not speaking or hide behind Hans until someone speaks to me. If I'm not thrown into social situations when we move, I will hide in my house, not meeting anyone until we move again.
2 - I hate jello. It's a texture thing. Same thing with oysters and undercooked eggs.
3 - I had 4 weimeraners as a kid, three of them at one time. Their names were Matilda (Tilly), Burgemeister (Burg), Hoss and Hazel. They were my loves.
4 - I just became a Girl Scout leader. Again.
5 - I love to bake and would bake every day if money and weight allowed!
6 - I am more than a bit obsessed with this whole crocheting thing, yet I really don't think I'm very good at it.
7 - I've been married 7 years as of this past Sunday.
Let's see - who to tag?
Marikay, whom I haven't talked to in a while and miss!!
Tina, who has become a dear friend over the last year.
Rebel, whom I've known for a few years now, and who is always good at adminishing me for not taking of myself!
Paula, my cooking guru friend from my mommy board of a few years.
Brandee, who, in conjunction with Tracie, taught me to crochet a year ago.
Rachel, a hook liberator on Rav whom I have come to have a great respect for.
And last, but not least, Claudia, my scarf exchange buddy in Germany!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Stitch Stirring Limerick
I'm a part of a group that is working to get we crocheters a little more into the mainstream by collectively blogging on writing prompts posted by our beloved leader. Today is the first.
Even if you don’t consider yourself a poet, this should be fun and easy. Your mission is to write a limerick–or several–about crochet. No starting with “There once was a man from Nantucket…” though!
What is a limerick? A limerick is a short poem, oftentimes humorous (although it doesn’t have to be), which consist of five lines. Lines 1, 2, and 5 should all three rhyme with each other, as should lines 3 & 4, thus creating a rhyme-scheme of aabba.
Need more info to get you started? Do a Google search on “example of limericks”.
Have fun!
There once was a girl in Florida,
Who ended up crocheting a yarmulke.
It began as a hat
but sat way too flat,
And now is a festive (word that rhymes with yarmulke!)
There once was a lady from faraway
Who decided she wanted to crochet.
She took a hook and some yarn
Then went in the barn
And that's where she's been all day!
There once was a boy at home
Who loved to crochet little gnomes.
They took over his room!
He had nowhere to groom!
And he had lost all his tomes!
Even if you don’t consider yourself a poet, this should be fun and easy. Your mission is to write a limerick–or several–about crochet. No starting with “There once was a man from Nantucket…” though!
What is a limerick? A limerick is a short poem, oftentimes humorous (although it doesn’t have to be), which consist of five lines. Lines 1, 2, and 5 should all three rhyme with each other, as should lines 3 & 4, thus creating a rhyme-scheme of aabba.
Need more info to get you started? Do a Google search on “example of limericks”.
Have fun!
There once was a girl in Florida,
Who ended up crocheting a yarmulke.
It began as a hat
but sat way too flat,
And now is a festive (word that rhymes with yarmulke!)
There once was a lady from faraway
Who decided she wanted to crochet.
She took a hook and some yarn
Then went in the barn
And that's where she's been all day!
There once was a boy at home
Who loved to crochet little gnomes.
They took over his room!
He had nowhere to groom!
And he had lost all his tomes!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I hate it when the math burns me!!
So I had all my plans for the round ripple - 6 rounds pink, 1 round white, 6 rounds green, 1 round white, 9 rounds pink, 3 rounds white, 9 rounds green, three rounds white, 1 round sc pink followed by 1 round rsc pink to finish. Sounds perfect, right? I had 1 more skein of yarn than the original pattern called for to ensure I didn't run out. I planned it all out! I thought I had it all figured out! Nope. with 3 1/4 rounds of the 9 green to go, I ran out of green. And, of course, no stores carry the green I was using. So I had to frog 3/4 of a round and figure out how to make it all look decent with more white, less green. I hate math.
In other news, though, we had a lot of fun on our trip to see Hans' grandmother in New Orleans. We got there and one of the first things she tells me is that she has a project for me! She then showed me a nylon mesh potscrubber that she had made at a church function. She told me she wanted more, and she had the mesh and hooks already ready for me! Of course, I needed to go out and buy my own hook and some mesh in colors I wanted, too, so off we went to Joann. And how wonderful that we did!! They had their Sensations hooks on sale for fifty cents each! So, of course, I got a whole extra set - I had only brought two hooks on the trip with me - plus a new dress maker's tape measure and the nylon netting. We went home, and I got started making more scrubbies. Grandmommy was just amazed at how quickly I turned them out, but really, they're very simple. The worst part is the netting can tear up your fingers if you're not careful.
Of course, now I have a whole new set of hooks, and I had nowhere to put them, so I had to make myself a new hook case, another thing that amazed Grandmommy. I was glad we were there when I did it, though, because she had the coolest button I got to use that matched the yarn perfectly.
I'll have to take and post some pictures later. I just got my nails done, and now I have to go clean my house in preparation for a baby shower here on Saturday.
In other news, though, we had a lot of fun on our trip to see Hans' grandmother in New Orleans. We got there and one of the first things she tells me is that she has a project for me! She then showed me a nylon mesh potscrubber that she had made at a church function. She told me she wanted more, and she had the mesh and hooks already ready for me! Of course, I needed to go out and buy my own hook and some mesh in colors I wanted, too, so off we went to Joann. And how wonderful that we did!! They had their Sensations hooks on sale for fifty cents each! So, of course, I got a whole extra set - I had only brought two hooks on the trip with me - plus a new dress maker's tape measure and the nylon netting. We went home, and I got started making more scrubbies. Grandmommy was just amazed at how quickly I turned them out, but really, they're very simple. The worst part is the netting can tear up your fingers if you're not careful.
Of course, now I have a whole new set of hooks, and I had nowhere to put them, so I had to make myself a new hook case, another thing that amazed Grandmommy. I was glad we were there when I did it, though, because she had the coolest button I got to use that matched the yarn perfectly.
I'll have to take and post some pictures later. I just got my nails done, and now I have to go clean my house in preparation for a baby shower here on Saturday.
Edited 9/5/07 @ 8:35pm to add pics of hook case:
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Strange conversations
I had to go to the eye dr because I have this tearing issue with my left eye that's been going on for about 6 weeks now. As I was sitting in the waiting room, working on the round ripple, this older man comes up to me.
"How very peculiar! (he obviously was from a country where speaking is more of an art than it is here ;)) I have never seen young girls doing work like this before in this country! Old women, yes, but young girls like yourself? Never! (now, I am not, by any means, a "young girl." When did 30 become a "young girl??" LOL!) Mother, look! It's a young girl knitting!! How wonderful!!"
"Actually, I'm crocheting. A lot of my generation does. Why, I even have an entire group of women that I meet with monthly so we can crochet together."
"And what is this you're making?"
"It's an afghan for a baby."
He and his 99 year old mother (he made sure to introduce me and tell me she was 99) walk about 4 feet away so the mother can sit.
He to his mother: "She must be from Ghana, don't you think? I've only ever seen the young girls in Africa do things like that. I think she must be from Ghana. She has to be. I liked Ghana."
It was just the oddest exchange I've ever been a part of. And crocheting means I'm from Ghana?? That one made me crack up! I have a very southern accent, and don't look the least bit exotic! You look at me, and you usually KNOW that I'm a Belle!
"How very peculiar! (he obviously was from a country where speaking is more of an art than it is here ;)) I have never seen young girls doing work like this before in this country! Old women, yes, but young girls like yourself? Never! (now, I am not, by any means, a "young girl." When did 30 become a "young girl??" LOL!) Mother, look! It's a young girl knitting!! How wonderful!!"
"Actually, I'm crocheting. A lot of my generation does. Why, I even have an entire group of women that I meet with monthly so we can crochet together."
"And what is this you're making?"
"It's an afghan for a baby."
He and his 99 year old mother (he made sure to introduce me and tell me she was 99) walk about 4 feet away so the mother can sit.
He to his mother: "She must be from Ghana, don't you think? I've only ever seen the young girls in Africa do things like that. I think she must be from Ghana. She has to be. I liked Ghana."
It was just the oddest exchange I've ever been a part of. And crocheting means I'm from Ghana?? That one made me crack up! I have a very southern accent, and don't look the least bit exotic! You look at me, and you usually KNOW that I'm a Belle!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Playing Catch Up
I know, I know - I've been neglecting my yarnie blogging duties! I mean to update all the time, I swear it, but there are things that keep preventing me! Like Ravelry, or Heather's new stuff, or just plain bad moods....
Still, I have some things to talk about, most of which is yarn-related. There's one thing, though, that I want to mention first that's not yarnish - My sister is participating in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society half marathon in Atlanta this year. Any donations to help her reach her goal in raising money for research would be greatly appreciated. This is a cause that is pretty near and dear to us, as one of the potential side effects of my treatments last year is developing leukemia or lymphoma in the not-so-distant future. We've also lost a few dear friends to leukemia, and there's more research needed in the areas of adult blood cancers. So if you don't mind, even if it's just a dollar or two, it would really mean a lot. And, it's tax deductible.
Okay, done with the PSA/solicitation. Not something I would normally do, but I just felt it was important. Now back to your regularly scheduled yarning!
I mentioned Ravelry eating up my time. Now, if you don't know about Ravelry, and if you own yarn and hooks or needles, you need to click on that happy little link I have each time I say the word Ravelry on here and check it out! It's an incredible place for we crafty types to go, organize our stash, patterns, WIPs and FOs, books and fibery friends, among other things. It's also an incredible resource for deciding whether a pattern will work for you, choosing yarn subtitutes or asking fiber (and some non-fiber) related questions. Seriously, one stop shop for all your knitting and crocheting needs. Go. Now., just in case you missed the happy clickies above. It's my new home on the net, and I spend ENTIRELY too much time there.
In other (kinda related) news, this past Saturday was Stitch n Pitch at the Tampa Bay Devil Rays game. Great, great fun! I grabbed Tracie and headed to St. Pete so we could get our Ravelry buttons from Pischi, a lovely a lady I'm so happy to have met! I also got to meet Michele and her hubby, someone I need to get to know better! I bet her hubby and Hans could get along well! (meaning I could talk yarn without him getting as irrtated!!)
So here are a few pics from SNP 2007:

Still, I have some things to talk about, most of which is yarn-related. There's one thing, though, that I want to mention first that's not yarnish - My sister is participating in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society half marathon in Atlanta this year. Any donations to help her reach her goal in raising money for research would be greatly appreciated. This is a cause that is pretty near and dear to us, as one of the potential side effects of my treatments last year is developing leukemia or lymphoma in the not-so-distant future. We've also lost a few dear friends to leukemia, and there's more research needed in the areas of adult blood cancers. So if you don't mind, even if it's just a dollar or two, it would really mean a lot. And, it's tax deductible.
Okay, done with the PSA/solicitation. Not something I would normally do, but I just felt it was important. Now back to your regularly scheduled yarning!
I mentioned Ravelry eating up my time. Now, if you don't know about Ravelry, and if you own yarn and hooks or needles, you need to click on that happy little link I have each time I say the word Ravelry on here and check it out! It's an incredible place for we crafty types to go, organize our stash, patterns, WIPs and FOs, books and fibery friends, among other things. It's also an incredible resource for deciding whether a pattern will work for you, choosing yarn subtitutes or asking fiber (and some non-fiber) related questions. Seriously, one stop shop for all your knitting and crocheting needs. Go. Now., just in case you missed the happy clickies above. It's my new home on the net, and I spend ENTIRELY too much time there.
In other (kinda related) news, this past Saturday was Stitch n Pitch at the Tampa Bay Devil Rays game. Great, great fun! I grabbed Tracie and headed to St. Pete so we could get our Ravelry buttons from Pischi, a lovely a lady I'm so happy to have met! I also got to meet Michele and her hubby, someone I need to get to know better! I bet her hubby and Hans could get along well! (meaning I could talk yarn without him getting as irrtated!!)
So here are a few pics from SNP 2007:

Saturday, July 07, 2007
Round Ripple Babyghan
I got a a gift card to Hobby Lobby from my brother for Christmas. I don't have any HLs near me, so I ordered online. I got 6 skeins of Bernat Cottontots in three different colors with the sole idea of making a round ripple babyghan. So far, I'm loving this pattern. It's Lyn's Round Ripple Baby Afghan - a beautiful and simple pattern, easy to figure out and follow. I can't post a pic right now because we're hurtling down I-75 at 85 70 miles and hour, so I'm not able to photograph and load pics. Take my word, though, my plan is working out really well so far. I'm doing it in three colors - 6 rnds of CA, 1 rnd of CB, 6 rnds of CC, 1 rnd of CB, 9 rnds CA, 3 rnds CB, 9 rnds CC, 3 rnds CB, then 1 rnd CA to finish her off. I think it's going to look really nice going in that manner. Already I'm on rnd 14 and am happy with the effect.
As I said on my Ravelry comments for this pattern, I want to do another one of these using Baby Coordinates or another fingering/sport weight (or lighter) yarn so that I can try the fading effect that Tracie gave me directions for.
As I said on my Ravelry comments for this pattern, I want to do another one of these using Baby Coordinates or another fingering/sport weight (or lighter) yarn so that I can try the fading effect that Tracie gave me directions for.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
What's going on...?
Tracie has inspired me to complete a very frightening task - inventorying my WIPs. Yeah. Here goes....
-round ripple babyghan
-Fit To Be Tied purse (just need to sew in liner and seam)
-mini 1 project tool case (my own pattern)
-knitted pashmina ( no pattern, just learning with it - simple garter stitch)
-loom knit scarf
-s hook scarf
-messenger bag prototype (Soon, I promise!!)
-Cozie Blankie - Just too tedius and boring....
-I'm sure there's more, but we're speeding up I-75 in Macon, therefore I'm far, far away from my projects....
-dress for heather
-knitted lace stole
So there you have it - things I'm doing, things I'm not doing and things I want to do, to an extent. There's lots more, and every day I add to my list of things to do, but I have to take it slowly,, right? Already you see my ADD showing through. And that's not even counting all the shelved projects!
-round ripple babyghan
-Fit To Be Tied purse (just need to sew in liner and seam)
-mini 1 project tool case (my own pattern)
-knitted pashmina ( no pattern, just learning with it - simple garter stitch)
-loom knit scarf
-s hook scarf
-messenger bag prototype (Soon, I promise!!)
-Cozie Blankie - Just too tedius and boring....
-I'm sure there's more, but we're speeding up I-75 in Macon, therefore I'm far, far away from my projects....
-dress for heather
-knitted lace stole
So there you have it - things I'm doing, things I'm not doing and things I want to do, to an extent. There's lots more, and every day I add to my list of things to do, but I have to take it slowly,, right? Already you see my ADD showing through. And that's not even counting all the shelved projects!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Pointy sticks!!
So I've been working with pointy sticks (AKA - Knitting needles) for a couple of months now, on and off. Haven't worked with them very much - until today, just enough to get my tension kinda figured out on the garter stitch. Today, though, I decided to truly accquaint myself with the purl stitch, making a lovely stockinette stitch. And it's working! Knitting is a bit rougher on my hands than crocheting, but I have a n umber of projects I'd like to do that really do require knitting as opposed to crocheting, namely cables and lace. So off I go. Add to that the fact that my Grandma sent me a pair of her needles (number 4!!!!) and her vintage yarns.
So I'm off. Soon I'll post some pics.
So I'm off. Soon I'll post some pics.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Package has arrived!!
I received the package from my aunt yesterday with the knitting needles and yarn that were my grandparents'. There is some awesome vintage yarn in there, and someone started a beautiful argyle something - I think it's a scarf, but I'm not sure - it could be the beginning of a sweater - perhaps the front left panel. Beautiful dark brown, seafoam green and off white superwash fingering weight wool.... There's also a couple of skeins of cotton/acrylic rug yarn.... and a few others, too....
I also got the three squares for Dani finished and off to Tracie. She's going to take a couple of pics and send them to me.
Not much else going on in the yarn world right now, though. I went down to help family with moving prep, so my hands aren't exactly crochetable right now, and most certainly not knittable.... soon, though. I plan to do some stuff here at home today and then spend tomorrow relaxing (maybe).....
I also got the three squares for Dani finished and off to Tracie. She's going to take a couple of pics and send them to me.
Not much else going on in the yarn world right now, though. I went down to help family with moving prep, so my hands aren't exactly crochetable right now, and most certainly not knittable.... soon, though. I plan to do some stuff here at home today and then spend tomorrow relaxing (maybe).....
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I haven't said much lately. Mostly because I haven't finished much lately. I seem to have a problem with actually finishing projects. Right now, though, I'm working on some squares for Dani's requested comfortghan. It's for a 1 year old who was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. I hate that there's even a need for a comfortghan for a one year old, but I'm more than happy to contribute......
I've also been working on a super seekrit projeck and a babyghan. Oh yeah, and I need to finish the purse. And the grannyghan. And a couple of other things, I'm sure :D
More to come, soon :D
I've also been working on a super seekrit projeck and a babyghan. Oh yeah, and I need to finish the purse. And the grannyghan. And a couple of other things, I'm sure :D
More to come, soon :D
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Oh, goody!!
I talked to my aunt a little while ago. She and my grandmother have been cleaning out Grandma and Grandpa's house, and trying to find new homes for various items. Among the things that have been slated to make the trip here to Florida are a quilt someone started, and almost finished, a few decades back. All I need to do is the edgings, and I will have a beautiful quilt for one of the beds. I'm also evidently getting a plethora of knitting needles, crochet hooks and yarn. I'm so excited! Not only is this stuff that I use, but it's stuff that my grandparents used, things they created different items with. It will be so special to me to know that I'm using the same knitting needles that my grandparents used, that I'm using yarn that they had bought. It's like having a little part of them with me, and something I can eventually pass on to my daughters or grand daughters.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Thoughts an designs
I'm trying to work out exactly how I want to construct the afghan I"m making. I decided, after making the butterfly square for the comfortghan, to make a thyca-ghan. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but I have the yarn in the correct colors.
Dunno why I'm blogging this - it's more incomplete thoughts than anything.... oh well....
Dunno why I'm blogging this - it's more incomplete thoughts than anything.... oh well....
Friday, May 11, 2007
Brandee has a colleague who was just diagnosed with breast cancer. So our crochet group is putting together a comfortghan to give her in shades of pink and cream. I did am doing three squares. Actually, I've done 2, and am working on the third on our drive to the Charlie Daniel's concert tonight, where I will give the squares to Brandee...
Square 1 - Butterfly Garden designed by Chris Simon in Caron Simply Soft Plum Wine:

Square 2 - Lacy Sun designed by Dayna Audirsch done in Caron Simply Soft Soft Pink:

I'm also working on a square in off white Simply Soft, but it's just a very basic bubble stitch... sc, dc, dc all in the same stitch, skip 2, repeat....
Square 1 - Butterfly Garden designed by Chris Simon in Caron Simply Soft Plum Wine:

Square 2 - Lacy Sun designed by Dayna Audirsch done in Caron Simply Soft Soft Pink:

I'm also working on a square in off white Simply Soft, but it's just a very basic bubble stitch... sc, dc, dc all in the same stitch, skip 2, repeat....
Friday, May 04, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Sock Progress
Monday, April 30, 2007
Sock Pictures
Here are the pics we took yesterday morning after only spending a short time figuring out the sock pattern and working up swatch, then moving to sock....

They're turning out quite nicely - I'm looking forward to making more! I think my mom will really like a pair!

They're turning out quite nicely - I'm looking forward to making more! I think my mom will really like a pair!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Newest Adventure
Edited to add a tag for Tracie :P
So I haven't been able to crochet much of late because of RA hand issues (so, yeah, John, if you've been working on the grannyghan, I'm willing to concede a loss.... lemme know {and I need you to email me please....}), but the last couple of days have been pretty good (low iodine diet? liquid diet? not sure, don't care!), so Tracie and I decided to do a sock crochet challenge. So we have our sock yarn and our nice, small hooks, and are sitting here working on shoeable crocheted socks. I think it's going to work out really well!
As a happy aside to the whole sock crochet challenge, I learned to do a dcf (that's a double crochet foundation to you those of you who are crochet illiterate). Awesome little trick, and, with Tra's help, it only took me about 20 minutes to figure out. Neat trick that she and Doris Chan taught me (well, she learned it from one of her DC books....) is to try it out on a larger yarn with a large hook. I figured it out with some light colored Softee Chunky and an M hook, and was able to then easily do it with my sock yarn and F hook. Rocks my socks, pun completely intended. I think this is going to be my new starting method for quite a nmber of applications now!
So that's what's working. No pics right now, but I think we'll do some photographing in the morning before Tra leaves....
So I haven't been able to crochet much of late because of RA hand issues (so, yeah, John, if you've been working on the grannyghan, I'm willing to concede a loss.... lemme know {and I need you to email me please....}), but the last couple of days have been pretty good (low iodine diet? liquid diet? not sure, don't care!), so Tracie and I decided to do a sock crochet challenge. So we have our sock yarn and our nice, small hooks, and are sitting here working on shoeable crocheted socks. I think it's going to work out really well!
As a happy aside to the whole sock crochet challenge, I learned to do a dcf (that's a double crochet foundation to you those of you who are crochet illiterate). Awesome little trick, and, with Tra's help, it only took me about 20 minutes to figure out. Neat trick that she and Doris Chan taught me (well, she learned it from one of her DC books....) is to try it out on a larger yarn with a large hook. I figured it out with some light colored Softee Chunky and an M hook, and was able to then easily do it with my sock yarn and F hook. Rocks my socks, pun completely intended. I think this is going to be my new starting method for quite a nmber of applications now!
So that's what's working. No pics right now, but I think we'll do some photographing in the morning before Tra leaves....
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
The Great Granny Ghan Race of 2007!
So John and I are engaged in a race..... he's a relative newbie to crochet altogether, and I'm a newbie to granny squares. We started about a week apart on a granny ghan - an afghan made of one large granny square. Neither of us are doing any color changes. I think John's doing a babyghan, meaning his end size is going to be about 36"x36", whereas mine's going to be a couch throw..... so I'm thinking about 50"x50".
Here's a pic of progress thus far, side by side. John's is blue, mine gray. We'll do another progress check this weekend!

Monday, March 19, 2007
Hey, John!
Game on! Get Tra to take and post some pics of your grannyghan progress!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
I'm a Simple (wo)Man!
It takes so very, very, VERY little to amuse and excite me! I just got an email saying that my Venus Breeze is on its way. I had signed up, through Vocalpoint, to test the new Venus Breeze, but not everyone that signs up is chosen - as in all marketing, you have to meet various demographic criteria. When I read the email saying that I had, in fact, met the aforementioned criteria, I literally (and yes, this is pathetic - I have no life!) said WooHoo! out loud!
So I had extra kids today, as I mentioned either in this blog or in KA&TN, so I had an excuse to be a little lazier than normal. It was wonderful for me because it meant I got to work on my crochet projects a bit more. As Tracie has pointed out, though, I have CADD (crochet attention deficit disorder), so I worked some on the gray granny ghan, some on the baby granny ghan, and then I started on a bobble baby ghan. Purse is sitting waiting. So is the bag. The purse is wool, and the bag is cotton, and my hands are swollen, so worsted acrylic working into spaces is just so much easier on me right now. Of course, Hans thinks that all I do is sit here at home crocheting as it is - having3 4 projects on the hooks really doesn't help my case any!
Now, since I'm a s l o w blogger, it's St. Patty's Day! Ahhh! Top o' the mornin' to ya! I baked my leprechaun cakes last night they're just plain yellow cupcakes that I mixed green food coloring with and am cleaning the kitchen so I can go ahead and bake my herbed Irish Soda Bread. we're having a few friends over for some Guinness, corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots and, of course, leprechaun cakes. Damned leprechauns forgot to leave me my pot of gold this morning, though.
Well, the family is waking, so I'd better start looking busy! Adieu!
So I had extra kids today, as I mentioned either in this blog or in KA&TN, so I had an excuse to be a little lazier than normal. It was wonderful for me because it meant I got to work on my crochet projects a bit more. As Tracie has pointed out, though, I have CADD (crochet attention deficit disorder), so I worked some on the gray granny ghan, some on the baby granny ghan, and then I started on a bobble baby ghan. Purse is sitting waiting. So is the bag. The purse is wool, and the bag is cotton, and my hands are swollen, so worsted acrylic working into spaces is just so much easier on me right now. Of course, Hans thinks that all I do is sit here at home crocheting as it is - having
Now, since I'm a s l o w blogger, it's St. Patty's Day! Ahhh! Top o' the mornin' to ya! I baked my leprechaun cakes last night they're just plain yellow cupcakes that I mixed green food coloring with and am cleaning the kitchen so I can go ahead and bake my herbed Irish Soda Bread. we're having a few friends over for some Guinness, corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots and, of course, leprechaun cakes. Damned leprechauns forgot to leave me my pot of gold this morning, though.
Well, the family is waking, so I'd better start looking busy! Adieu!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Okay, so I had this looooong, informative, witty and link filled post 9/10ths of the way complete when Netscape decided to crap out on me and shut down, so I lost it. I know, I know - I'm an irresponsible blogger to count on Blogger to hold on to my post, and that I should have been (should be?) doing it in Word, since it has that handy dandy recovery option thingy. Here's the thing, though - it's 12:39am, I can't sleep becaue my husband is snoring like the world is about to end, and the only time I have had to get online without two children climbng on me this week is, oh, um, now. Yeah, so screw off, Blogger! And while you're at it, since you're connected to Google, why don't we have that handy little autosave action that we have in Gmail? Seriously - it would be the cat's meow if we did, no joke.
Okay, so here's the deal. Yarnapy. The act of using yarn, in one form or another, as therapy. Indugled in a little more than usual on Tuesday. Went to lunch with a friend, then hit AC Moore to pet the yarns and marvel at all the yarn paraphernalia. Seriously, my eyes were glazing over - I looked like a junkie who had scored a major hit when we left. And since it's spring break, I had to take both kids with me. Now, they're grounded from yarn. Yep, you heard me right. Grounded from yarn. Haven't decided how long yet, but it's in response to the dress destruction that I last blogged. So anyway, my daughters, who love yarn and are grounded from it, were forced to walk with hands in pockets while mommy petted, rubbed and otherwise molested the yarn. For well over an hour. I have to say, though, that they were perfect angels through it all, and for their wonderful behavior, they earned bubbles and a piece of candy each. See, I'm not all evil as a mommy!
Anyway, I spent that time in AC Moore wishing that I had more money in the bank. I think it was as hard for me not to buy as it was for the girls not to touch. All yarn was 25% off, and their prices on many yarns is great to begin with. Still, I for the most part got out scot free. I was very proud of myself, very proud indeed.
So anyway, shopping. Great. Therapeutic, and I was in need of therapy. Then to continue the yarnapy, it was home to play with stash. I got it out, untangled, sorted and organizedit all most of it. Then it was time to work on projects. I started on my first ever granny square, which will become a lovely gray ghan for my couch, and a messenger bag (I know this isn't a crocheted bag - it's just the style, plus, I love the bag - maybe for John, Tra??) to sling across my body and carry my project du jour to, from and at the bus stop (or any other place I deem hook-worthy.) Hooking and talking carried on late into the evening, interrupted by the need for food, which necessitated a trip to Winter Garden Pizza for stromboli, garlic knots and salad. I also decided, finally, on a use for the Patons SWS in natural pink that Dani gave me for Christmas. I'm going to make the Fit To Be Tied purse out of Stitch 'n Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker. Of course, I started on that yesterday, despite being told not to start another project until either the ghan or the bag were completed. We all know, though, that that wouldn't happen. I won't even mention that fact that tonight I made a flower and started on another granny ghan. Hey, it's for Project Linus, so don't give me too hard of a time!!
Okay, I know there was more I wanted to blog about on here, but I think I am finally tired enough that I can pass out despite the log sawing coming from the other side of my bed. I'll leave you with this link, though - turn on your speakers :D
Okay, so here's the deal. Yarnapy. The act of using yarn, in one form or another, as therapy. Indugled in a little more than usual on Tuesday. Went to lunch with a friend, then hit AC Moore to pet the yarns and marvel at all the yarn paraphernalia. Seriously, my eyes were glazing over - I looked like a junkie who had scored a major hit when we left. And since it's spring break, I had to take both kids with me. Now, they're grounded from yarn. Yep, you heard me right. Grounded from yarn. Haven't decided how long yet, but it's in response to the dress destruction that I last blogged. So anyway, my daughters, who love yarn and are grounded from it, were forced to walk with hands in pockets while mommy petted, rubbed and otherwise molested the yarn. For well over an hour. I have to say, though, that they were perfect angels through it all, and for their wonderful behavior, they earned bubbles and a piece of candy each. See, I'm not all evil as a mommy!
Anyway, I spent that time in AC Moore wishing that I had more money in the bank. I think it was as hard for me not to buy as it was for the girls not to touch. All yarn was 25% off, and their prices on many yarns is great to begin with. Still, I for the most part got out scot free. I was very proud of myself, very proud indeed.
So anyway, shopping. Great. Therapeutic, and I was in need of therapy. Then to continue the yarnapy, it was home to play with stash. I got it out, untangled, sorted and organized
Okay, I know there was more I wanted to blog about on here, but I think I am finally tired enough that I can pass out despite the log sawing coming from the other side of my bed. I'll leave you with this link, though - turn on your speakers :D
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Dress Disaster
Remember that lovely little dress I was posting about? The one for Heather? The one that was half way done? Yeah, well, it no longer exists.
Yesterday, while I was in bed nursing the mother of all hangovers, my loving, darling daughters snuck the dress out of my room. Then they frogged it. All the way to the bodice. And tangled the yarn.
Yeah. One of those moments when you send your kids to their room so that you don't end up doing something rash that you will later regret.
Yesterday, while I was in bed nursing the mother of all hangovers, my loving, darling daughters snuck the dress out of my room. Then they frogged it. All the way to the bodice. And tangled the yarn.
Yeah. One of those moments when you send your kids to their room so that you don't end up doing something rash that you will later regret.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
More of the dress!
So it's not done yet, but I think I'm about half way now. I'm on the round-n-round bit of the skirt right now, and I think that after this is just the plackets, sleeves and trim. Oh, and I have to figure out a flower. Neither Heather nor I like the one with the pattern, so we're going to come up with something different...
Here's a few shots I got of the dress thus far. Tomorrow I'll have Heather model the WIP.

Close-up of stitches
Front hanging (to better show shape and drape)
Back of dress hanging
Here's a few shots I got of the dress thus far. Tomorrow I'll have Heather model the WIP.


Close-up of stitches

Front hanging (to better show shape and drape)

Back of dress hanging

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
Playing catch up
Okay, so I haven't been crocheting very much lately, mostly because I haven't been physically able to. I did finish the funeral scarf on the plane to Connecticut, and everyone really liked the set. It's at my mom's house now so that my sister can pick it up when she visits them next. I'll have to get them to take a pic when she gets it.
I did create a bookmark pattern last week, and gave my prototype to a good friend. I took pictures, but for some reason I can't find my cord to my camera, so I'll have to amend my entry when I find it to include a picture. She really seemed to like it, though.
Last Thursday, Heather and I had to go to Wal-Mart to get my oil changed, and while there we (of course) walked through the fabric department to look at yarn. Amazingly, at 3 years old, she went through the yarns and picked a favorite. At first, she picked a crochet thread, then, when we got to the Simply Soft, she decided that a light blue was more to her liking. Now, I didn't know then what I was going to make, but she wanted me to maker her something with that yarn. Last weekend, Brandee loaned me a pattern that, when she used it with a beautiful, soft pink angora, won her a blue ribbon at the Florida State Fair. Even though the pattern is written for 3-6 month size, it's written using fingering weight yarn and a D hook. Being me, and not wanting to work a pattern as written, I decided to see how it would work with the Simply Soft, which is worsted weight, and an I hook. Well, so far, the pattern as written for the 3 month size, with the change in yarn and hook, seems to be working up to a nice 3T for Heather.
We went to the Plant City Strawberry Festival on Saturday, where I (literally) ran into Dani from my crochet group. I hadn't seen her since the beginning of December, when we worked the Safety Harbor Craft Show. I also got to see some beautiful angora rabbits in the rabbit and poultry exhibit. I had never seen an English Angora rabbit before, but I'm in love now. One of these days, I will have a few of them. I'll just have to make sure Tracie has her wheel by then, though, so she can spin the yarn for us!
So that's all for now... I need to get back to the dress - I would love to have it ready for Easter! We'll see, though - this is my first fitted project :D
I did create a bookmark pattern last week, and gave my prototype to a good friend. I took pictures, but for some reason I can't find my cord to my camera, so I'll have to amend my entry when I find it to include a picture. She really seemed to like it, though.
Last Thursday, Heather and I had to go to Wal-Mart to get my oil changed, and while there we (of course) walked through the fabric department to look at yarn. Amazingly, at 3 years old, she went through the yarns and picked a favorite. At first, she picked a crochet thread, then, when we got to the Simply Soft, she decided that a light blue was more to her liking. Now, I didn't know then what I was going to make, but she wanted me to maker her something with that yarn. Last weekend, Brandee loaned me a pattern that, when she used it with a beautiful, soft pink angora, won her a blue ribbon at the Florida State Fair. Even though the pattern is written for 3-6 month size, it's written using fingering weight yarn and a D hook. Being me, and not wanting to work a pattern as written, I decided to see how it would work with the Simply Soft, which is worsted weight, and an I hook. Well, so far, the pattern as written for the 3 month size, with the change in yarn and hook, seems to be working up to a nice 3T for Heather.
We went to the Plant City Strawberry Festival on Saturday, where I (literally) ran into Dani from my crochet group. I hadn't seen her since the beginning of December, when we worked the Safety Harbor Craft Show. I also got to see some beautiful angora rabbits in the rabbit and poultry exhibit. I had never seen an English Angora rabbit before, but I'm in love now. One of these days, I will have a few of them. I'll just have to make sure Tracie has her wheel by then, though, so she can spin the yarn for us!
So that's all for now... I need to get back to the dress - I would love to have it ready for Easter! We'll see, though - this is my first fitted project :D
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
So I recently started trying my hand at Tunisian crochet. I was cruising the Annie's Attic site when I came across these great hooks for the steal price of .99! I promptly ordered, but, of course, I was too late and they were sold out.... Not to be deterred, though, I started searching on eBay and found an identical set for $4. Still a great deal, though, as a) normal retail is usually closer to $13, and b) they're not exactly the easiest to find....
So the hooks arrived on Monday, and what did I do?? Immediately grab some yarn and give them a whirl! I have to tell you, they're so much less cumbersome than the cro-hooks I've been using..... they're larger hooks, though, so I still have to use the cro-hooks for smaller gauge items....
I also am almost completely finished with the funeral scarf..... I have to do one edging and then the ribbon, but I was getting bored with it, so I haven't done anything with it since Saturday morning. I'll finish it at the rheumie's office this evening, though.
I had a request for the Funeral Hat, so I'm going to make that up as soon as we get all of our details for it ironed out. The friend that wants it is thinking she wants a chocolate brown hat with a darker brown satin ribbon..... It's a tedious stitch, but it turns out such a great looking hat.
I've also been playing around with my Patons SWS that I got from Dani for Christmas. Right now I'm just gauging with different hooks to see how it works up until I decide what to actually do with it.... there's a cool pattern on the Patons site, but I'm just not sure.... There's really not anything my house it would match, and I don't know if I know anyone else I could gift it to....
Also, I revamped the blog a bit..... let me know what you think!
So the hooks arrived on Monday, and what did I do?? Immediately grab some yarn and give them a whirl! I have to tell you, they're so much less cumbersome than the cro-hooks I've been using..... they're larger hooks, though, so I still have to use the cro-hooks for smaller gauge items....
I also am almost completely finished with the funeral scarf..... I have to do one edging and then the ribbon, but I was getting bored with it, so I haven't done anything with it since Saturday morning. I'll finish it at the rheumie's office this evening, though.
I had a request for the Funeral Hat, so I'm going to make that up as soon as we get all of our details for it ironed out. The friend that wants it is thinking she wants a chocolate brown hat with a darker brown satin ribbon..... It's a tedious stitch, but it turns out such a great looking hat.
I've also been playing around with my Patons SWS that I got from Dani for Christmas. Right now I'm just gauging with different hooks to see how it works up until I decide what to actually do with it.... there's a cool pattern on the Patons site, but I'm just not sure.... There's really not anything my house it would match, and I don't know if I know anyone else I could gift it to....
Also, I revamped the blog a bit..... let me know what you think!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Hats and Scarves and Gifts, Oh My!
So now that the hat is done, I;ve been working on the scarf..... I wasn't able to get exactly what I wanted as far as texture goes, but it's going to have to do. Now my sister has decided that when we leave CT, she would like to take my hat and scarf as her own..... fine with me, as I have been having one helluva time coming up with something for her..... So I guess I'll finish my/her scarf and thent ake her boyfriend;s with me to work on in the airport and on the plane. Hans is going to hate it, as yarn and hooks makes him angry, but oh well.....
Thursday, January 18, 2007
the Funeral Hat
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
I'm working on this hat, and I'm finding that there are some problems with the pattern. Now, I realize that my head is slightly larger than the average woman's head, but the written circumference is too small for Aliceon even! So I had to frog about 6 rows and add in a few more rows of increases. Now I'm having to calculate how this impacts the pattern overall, and math burns. Anyone who knows me knows that numbers and I are NOT friends at all! Still, I think I'm getting it. And this cloche stitch pattern is really nice. It's my first go at front loop/back loop stitches, but they have a really nice pattern effect. Gives teture without a lot of extra bulk...
Next thing I want to learn, though, is the way to do a hat in Tunisian..... That and the reverse sc. I tried the reverse last night and just am not sure if I'm doing it right..... I have a crochet group meeting this weekend, so I may be able to get someone to tell me there. Maybe.
Next thing I want to learn, though, is the way to do a hat in Tunisian..... That and the reverse sc. I tried the reverse last night and just am not sure if I'm doing it right..... I have a crochet group meeting this weekend, so I may be able to get someone to tell me there. Maybe.
craft show,
Monday, January 15, 2007
Monday night insomnia
I started - again - on my hat to wear in CT when we go up. I've actually started this hat a few times already, but didn't really know what direction I wanted to take with it, so I always ended up frogging it. I found a pattern today, though, that I'm actually going onward with. It's a brimmed cloche with a crocheted ribbon that I think will work out nicely for what I need it for - it's long enough to cover my ears so they will be protected without impairing my hearing, and should be classy enough for a somber family gathering.
I've also been working on my sister and her boyfriend's scarves. Still getting the hang of the whole Tunisian thing, but I'm really enjoying it. I'm afraid that it may create too heavy a fabric for Meghan's scarf, though.
Hmmm..... What else am I actually working on? I think that's really about it right now. I've got a couple of other things that I'm holding in reserve for my trip so I have something to keep my hands busy, and, hopefully, my mind as well.....
I've also been working on my sister and her boyfriend's scarves. Still getting the hang of the whole Tunisian thing, but I'm really enjoying it. I'm afraid that it may create too heavy a fabric for Meghan's scarf, though.
Hmmm..... What else am I actually working on? I think that's really about it right now. I've got a couple of other things that I'm holding in reserve for my trip so I have something to keep my hands busy, and, hopefully, my mind as well.....
Monday, January 08, 2007
Yes, I suck!
I know I suck! I'm sorry! I've just been kind of blah, and after all the Christmas crochet, I needed a break. My hands were no longer cooperating, and I couldn't force myself into pain. Now, though, I'm on good drugs, so we can get back to crocheting!
So right now, I'm working on the scarves for my sister and her boyfriend. I had wnated to do them for Christmas, but time just didn't allow. Neither did swelling. Instead of doing them the way I had originally planned to, though, I'm now doing, at least Dave's, in tunisian. Crack? Crack, you say? I think not, my friend! This is actually easier and requires less counting! Can you believe it? And so far, looking pretty frigging sweet, if I do say so myself. My only concern is that, upon closer inspection, I wonder if the yarn I had chosen for it is a little too feminine..... It's Lion Bran Homespun in Romanesque.......
This is the part that worries me - the purpley/mauvey color..... it's a shading yarn, so there are sections that are teal-ish, and that's where I was looking and basing my idea that this would work so well for Dave - for some reason it just made me think of him - but now I'm not so sure....
So I'm also working on the one for my sister... I wonder if it will ever be finished, though, because I keep changing my mind....... I've played around with four different yarns, in different textures and colors, and I'm just not feeling any of them..... we'll see, though.....
Other than that, not much more...... I think I need to do my laundry now, though.....
So right now, I'm working on the scarves for my sister and her boyfriend. I had wnated to do them for Christmas, but time just didn't allow. Neither did swelling. Instead of doing them the way I had originally planned to, though, I'm now doing, at least Dave's, in tunisian. Crack? Crack, you say? I think not, my friend! This is actually easier and requires less counting! Can you believe it? And so far, looking pretty frigging sweet, if I do say so myself. My only concern is that, upon closer inspection, I wonder if the yarn I had chosen for it is a little too feminine..... It's Lion Bran Homespun in Romanesque.......

This is the part that worries me - the purpley/mauvey color..... it's a shading yarn, so there are sections that are teal-ish, and that's where I was looking and basing my idea that this would work so well for Dave - for some reason it just made me think of him - but now I'm not so sure....
So I'm also working on the one for my sister... I wonder if it will ever be finished, though, because I keep changing my mind....... I've played around with four different yarns, in different textures and colors, and I'm just not feeling any of them..... we'll see, though.....
Other than that, not much more...... I think I need to do my laundry now, though.....
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