So right now, I'm working on the scarves for my sister and her boyfriend. I had wnated to do them for Christmas, but time just didn't allow. Neither did swelling. Instead of doing them the way I had originally planned to, though, I'm now doing, at least Dave's, in tunisian. Crack? Crack, you say? I think not, my friend! This is actually easier and requires less counting! Can you believe it? And so far, looking pretty frigging sweet, if I do say so myself. My only concern is that, upon closer inspection, I wonder if the yarn I had chosen for it is a little too feminine..... It's Lion Bran Homespun in Romanesque.......

This is the part that worries me - the purpley/mauvey color..... it's a shading yarn, so there are sections that are teal-ish, and that's where I was looking and basing my idea that this would work so well for Dave - for some reason it just made me think of him - but now I'm not so sure....
So I'm also working on the one for my sister... I wonder if it will ever be finished, though, because I keep changing my mind....... I've played around with four different yarns, in different textures and colors, and I'm just not feeling any of them..... we'll see, though.....
Other than that, not much more...... I think I need to do my laundry now, though.....
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