Saturday, July 07, 2007

Round Ripple Babyghan

I got a a gift card to Hobby Lobby from my brother for Christmas. I don't have any HLs near me, so I ordered online. I got 6 skeins of Bernat Cottontots in three different colors with the sole idea of making a round ripple babyghan. So far, I'm loving this pattern. It's Lyn's Round Ripple Baby Afghan - a beautiful and simple pattern, easy to figure out and follow. I can't post a pic right now because we're hurtling down I-75 at 85 70 miles and hour, so I'm not able to photograph and load pics. Take my word, though, my plan is working out really well so far. I'm doing it in three colors - 6 rnds of CA, 1 rnd of CB, 6 rnds of CC, 1 rnd of CB, 9 rnds CA, 3 rnds CB, 9 rnds CC, 3 rnds CB, then 1 rnd CA to finish her off. I think it's going to look really nice going in that manner. Already I'm on rnd 14 and am happy with the effect.

As I said on my Ravelry comments for this pattern, I want to do another one of these using Baby Coordinates or another fingering/sport weight (or lighter) yarn so that I can try the fading effect that Tracie gave me directions for.


Tracie said...

I can't wait to see it! Y'all drive careful and all that.

Oh, and I have your yarn order. Do you want me to ship or do you think we can figure out some time to get together? Hell, I may be able to run out this week sometime or if you want to come out here with the girls. Let me know. :)

~dani said...

Actually I think Kerry should come to the meeting this week??!! I'd so love to see her :)
Love all the ideas and can't wait to see your raverly site!!

~dani said...

I want to be added in the blogs worth reading section *grin*