So my first ever craft show was on Saturday. I consider it a full success because a) I had a GREAT time, and b) I sold a dishcloth! Yes, I know, selling a dishcloth isn't all that exciting, but it was my first show! I didn't have many items out (not as fast as I wish I were :D) and yet one of my dishcloths sold! $4 in hand for that, so I was only $6 in the red for the booth. Of course, then there's gas, drinks, food and other misc. things, but still. Success!! Oh! And people, although they didn't buy, commented on, touched, petted and liked both my clown hair hat and
bootie set and my
chewbacca wrap. All in all, good day! After we broke down the show setup, we all headed to Brandee's to get ready for hers and Tracie's birthday party. Tra and I joined Travis (Bran's hubby) at Wally World, which was quite the adventure, since she and I had both taken some rather strong pharmaceuticals for our migraines, and neither of us had eaten enough during the day to appease aforementioned pharmaceuticals. Still and all, we got through the trip and chowed down like starving women when we got back to the house!
So here are some lovely pics from the day - enjoy!
Us "working":

The "booth":

Some of my stuff:

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