I'm a part of a group that is working to get we crocheters a little more into the mainstream by collectively blogging on writing prompts posted by our beloved leader. Today is the first.
Even if you don’t consider yourself a poet, this should be fun and easy. Your mission is to write a limerick–or several–about crochet. No starting with “There once was a man from Nantucket…” though!
What is a limerick? A limerick is a short poem, oftentimes humorous (although it doesn’t have to be), which consist of five lines. Lines 1, 2, and 5 should all three rhyme with each other, as should lines 3 & 4, thus creating a rhyme-scheme of aabba.
Need more info to get you started? Do a Google search on “example of limericks”.
Have fun!
There once was a girl in Florida,
Who ended up crocheting a yarmulke.
It began as a hat
but sat way too flat,
And now is a festive (word that rhymes with yarmulke!)
There once was a lady from faraway
Who decided she wanted to crochet.
She took a hook and some yarn
Then went in the barn
And that's where she's been all day!
There once was a boy at home
Who loved to crochet little gnomes.
They took over his room!
He had nowhere to groom!
And he had lost all his tomes!
Woo Hoo...you did good! :)
Gah, you're faster than me. I'm still trying to figure one out. :)
Oh my gosh, y'all are way too fast!
Gotta sit down and concentrate on one! :)
Great job! I am impressed you came up with three, I barely eeked out one.
Those are great! I can't believe you even tried to rhyme with 'yarmulke', hahahahaha.
You've been tagged, my dear....
Go here
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