Okay, so here it is, my twee little excuse for being a dreadful blogger: Working full time leaves little time for anything else! Yet, I have still found time for my yarn, and for other crafting. I just haven't, however, taken the time to blog all of it, as that would simply mean less time for - get this -
actually crafting.
Since last I posted, I've made 3 bridal garters, a sweater, numerous other bits of flotsam and jetsam, cards, etc, and am now working on my Next Ambitious Project
TM. Of course, in true Kerry fashion, this brainchild came to me when I have other things that are much more important to be accomplished, and when I have little time in which to create, but hey, when has that ever stopped me?? So what is this project, you ask? Well, Friday is Aliceon's 10th birthday. She's having her first sleepover party Saturday evening, and what with Hans being out of work for nearly 3 years now, there isn't a lot in the budget for decorations and the like. So, being me, I thought, "Hmmm.... I have that book of upholstery samples that I bought years ago, and I just inherited some awesome pinking shears!" I was already planning on making her cupcakes, and putting pennants in them a la Martha Stewart, so why not make a pennant banner for decor? So, much to Hans' chagrin, I started drawing my diamonds onto the backs of the fabric and cutting away with my lovely pinking shears. I got all of them cut and folded. I've just sorted all the colors (there's three pennants of each color) into the pattern I want, and have grouped them so that I can iron and letter them tomorrow.
They're really quite lovely, if I do say so myself! Check it out:
Grouped pennants, counted for lettering |
A shot from the top to showcase the colors |
Fanned out and lovely! |
Pinking shears - an incredible invention! |
Bright and happy, perfect for little girls' birthdays! |
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