I have been playing with my yarn, though! I even took a little jaunt to Canada and managed to talk Hans into letting me buy yarn there! He walked through one of the yarn stores, too, much to my amazement!
Started back on the knitting attempts after my friend, Dianne, asked me to teach her how. Not sure how I accomplished it, but I was able to teach her to knit when I barely manage to do it myself, and she has taken off! She's reading patterns now and everything! So I got her a book and some special pink cotton hand dyed from Canada. Here's a picture of Di's first attempts:

So let's see, what have I done lately?

The first is preemie hats, "Tiny Ladies," a pattern that I was testing for someone on Ravelry. The second is the "Bridesmaid's Dress Sachet" that I tested for Tracie. Third is a chapstick holder I designed and created for my older daughter, Al, because she had chapped lips. Fourth is the hat that I created for my friend Jenn's daughter, Maveri.
Currently, though, I'm working on the garters for my sister's wedding. I have the first one almost done - just needs to be embellished and then cinched with the elastic thread, but I plan on doing that when I get up there so we're sure of a custom fit. The second - the tosser - I've just started, but it's the same pattern with a narrower (half size) band. I should be able to knock it out by tomorrow up to the same point the first one is at. Then I get to take both of them and go to Micheal's to play with ribbons and other embellishments!
For your viewing pleasure, the garter:

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