I find myself back in the situation of crocheting because of my shitty health, my body that insists on betraying me every chance it gets. So, after a week of ER, doctors, tests, scans and what have you, I turn again to yarnapy to help me through it.
In December, my dear friend, Dianne, went to Olympia, WA and brought back some lovely yarn for me. I have been working on turning it into a shawl for myself because when she gave it to me, I realized that I really haven't made anything that was just for me. This yarn, though, was special. It needed to be just for me, something that I could wrap myself in and feel the love and friendship that I know went into choosing this yarn for me. I searched and searched for the perfect pattern, knowing that when I saw the right one, I would instantly know it was right; I would know that this was the garment this particular yarn wanted to be.
So I found the pattern and started on it. However, since this is for me, I find it difficult to stay on task with it. Even today, when I'm cranky and frustrated and needed yarn in my hands, I didn't reach for my shawl. Instead, I started on a birthday gift for Aliceon. She knows I'm making something for her, and she knows the yarn I'm using, but she doesn't know what I'm making for her.
So I have at least 2 projects in progress to keep me busy through whatever my decrepit body decides to throw at me, plus at least two more in my head itching to get out. Oh, and to show that I still am hardcore - we went to Disney a few weeks ago, and I took yarn and hooks with. I even have photographic proof! I'll leave you with that proof, plus a shameless picture of my family in front of Cinderella's castle!