Edited to add a tag for Tracie :PSo I haven't been able to crochet much of late because of
RA hand issues (so, yeah, John, if you've been working on the grannyghan, I'm willing to concede a loss.... lemme know {and I need you to email me please....}), but the last couple of days have been pretty good (low iodine diet? liquid diet? not sure, don't care!), so
Tracie and I decided to do a sock crochet challenge. So we have our sock yarn and our nice, small hooks, and are sitting here working on shoeable crocheted socks. I think it's going to work out really well!
As a happy aside to the whole sock crochet challenge, I learned to do a dcf (that's a double crochet foundation to you those of you who are crochet illiterate). Awesome little trick, and, with Tra's help, it only took me about 20 minutes to figure out. Neat trick that she and Doris Chan taught me (well, she learned it from one of her DC books....) is to try it out on a larger yarn with a large hook. I figured it out with some light colored Softee Chunky and an M hook, and was able to then easily do it with my sock yarn and F hook. Rocks my socks, pun completely intended. I think this is going to be my new starting method for quite a nmber of applications now!
So that's what's working. No pics right now, but I think we'll do some photographing in the morning before Tra leaves....